Monday, June 29, 2009

hot selling mask ` ♥


start from 1 January 2010 ~ 28 February 2010, whoever who purchase more than RM40 besides will get 1 free facial mask, will also get 1 free eye mask or 1 shiseido blackhead remover that worth (RM2.8).


Customer who purchase 20 pieces of facial mask ( including scheming, dainty, hokkaido lover and chocolate mask ) during this promotion month, will get 3 free
facial mask ! ( normally 20 pieces of facial mask is jz free for 2 facial mask)

What are YOU waiting for ?

Contact me on 012-4968098 or (msn + email)

Dainty Design Mask !!

MD5 - Lavender MaskEffects: 1.Stabilize skin’s pH and prevents skin sensitivity2.To calm and relief stress. Helps to improve sleeping disorder3.Controls and balances skin oiliness4.To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
5.To repair sun burn skin
薰衣草的气味芬芳怡人,令人感到安宁镇定、具有洁净身心的功效,薰衣草面膜能给您一个安定的和放松的感觉。可舒緩皮膚發紅及敏感現象,治療微絲血管擴張,回復淨白的感覺。 有效滋養肌膚、維持肌膚彈性!薰衣草能溫和呵護脆弱肌膚安定敏感膚況,提升肌膚防禦能力有舒緩與安撫的效果,將肌膚調理至水嫩光澤的健康狀態,乾燥缺水、敏感脆弱肌膚最佳選擇。
功效:1. 平衡肌肤的酸碱度和预防皮肤敏感 2. 镇定与放松的疗效。帮助改进失眠问题 3. 平衡皮肤油脂分泌 4. 美白肌肤与进行补水 5. 修复太阳晒伤的肌肤 适合任何肤质的人使用。

MD4 - Aloe MaskAloe valued to protect skin from harmful environmental factors as it contains high concentrations of amino acids as well as vitamin E, vitamin C and zinc.
Effects: Aloe mask helps to get a firm & elastic skin. The formula helps to restore skin structure & makes your skin soften & radiant. It also retains & replenishes moisture in the skin to prevent wrinkle from forming and maintains a youthful appearance by reducing signs of ageing.
Suitable for all skin types especially those with dry skin
MD4 -丹提芦荟面膜 平衡油脂收缩毛孔
芦荟有抗菌、消炎和缓泻的作用,可以排毒养颜,对青春痘有较好的疗效。芦荟也可帮助收敛皮肤,防止皱纹产生。芦荟面膜适合偏油性肤质, 有控油和收敛毛孔的效果。曬後與乾燥肌膚的急救面膜!!
功效: 1. 美白肌肤并帮助补充水分 2. 防止皱纹, 增加肌肤的弹性3. 对肌肤进行补水、营养和修护4. 快速提高皮肤细胞活力以修补伤疤 5. 防止青春痘的滋生

MD2 - Lotus Mask
Effects: 1. Close up open pores 2. Rejuvenates cells and possesses anti-oxidants 3. Smoothen and moisture your skin 4. To whiten and re-hydrate your skinSuitable for all skin types.
MD2 -莲香保湿面膜(保湿/细嫩/美白)
功效:1. 平衡肌肤的酸碱度和预防皮肤敏感 2. 镇定与放松的疗效。帮助改进失眠问题 3. 平衡皮肤油脂分泌 4. 美白肌肤与进行补水 5. 修复太阳晒伤得肌肤适合任何肤质的人使用。

MD3 - All in One Collagen Mask Effects:1. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin2. Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity3. To repair and re-conceal wounds and sunken scars4. To facilitates the recovery of skin metabolism 5. Modulate and stabilizes skin pH
Suitable for all skin types
MD3 - 丹提全方位胶原面膜--保湿、美白、紧肤、弹性
功效: 1. 保濕→ 強化肌膚保水、鎖水功能,為皮膚保濕的重要功臣。2. 彈力→ 即時補充膠原蛋白,維持肌膚長效豐潤、水嫩細緻。3. 緊實→ 促使膠原蛋白生成,使肌膚恢復緊實、彈性。4. 光滑→ 促进膠原增生,改善臉上疤痕及小瑕疵。适合任何肤质的人使用。

MH3 - 左旋C晶透浄白面膜
MH3 - L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Masks
- Penetrates skin to restore glow and eliminates skin pigmentation spots
- Hydrates skin
- Smoothens out wrinkles and improves skin elasticity

MH1 - Q10緊緻彈力面膜 ~可讓肌膚緊緻平滑,改善皮膚使肌膚緊緻,多種植物萃取精華,幫助肌膚維持彈性緊緻。
MH1 - Q10 Elastin Mask
- Improve skin elasticity
- Moisturizes & brightens skin
- Promote cell regeneration
- Anti-aging

MH6 - 櫻花嫩白光采面膜
~ 不只有淡淡的櫻花味,更精萃西印度櫻桃,讓天然維他命C深入調理毛孔,滋養肌膚改善暗沉,還給肌膚明皙光采,可修護、舒緩肌膚,溫和的平衡油脂分泌,同時給你健康好氣色!
MH6- Sakura Whitening Masks
Containing Sakura flower essence, this masks aims in restoring your skin to pearl like, crystal clear, soft and rosy look.

MH4 - 玻尿酸水漾面膜
MH4 - Hyaluronic Acid Masks
It replenishes lost moisture and Combat against uneven skin tone. This mask also promotes epithelial cell regeneration

资生堂矿物泥去黑头粉刺面膜~黑头徹底消失超有效牛尔也推荐的好东西!~Shiseido资生堂矿物泥去黑头粉刺面膜,黑头撤低消失!这是去黑头最为火热的一个产品,它超强的去黑头、粉刺的效果被广大的淘友所折服,不多说了,有黑头的朋友,赶快来感受一下它的效果吧!!!!本软膜膏是SHISEIDO最新科技研制而成的独特成份,有效地对粉刺皮肤起显著疗效,能渗透皮肤和快速拔除面部的黑头,并可紧肤拉皮,收缩粗大毛孔,排除面部热毒达到美白滋养肌肤功效。 ** 一包可以用5-6次哦(具体用量视个人情况) 每周使用次数不要超过2次。效果真的很赞哦~~但是黑头白头是会不断的生长出来的.所以要经常护理喽..要想一次彻底清除是不可能滴...用法:洁面后,将膏体均匀涂于面部,30分钟后可整块撕,再擦点化妆水可更进一步达到收缩毛孔的作用。提示:在做之前最好可以用热水蒸汽蒸一蒸! 很简单,找脸盆装上热水,把脸对着脸盆口(5到10分钟左右),以达到热涨冷缩把毛孔打开的效果、对收缩毛孔也有很好的功效注意: 内有黑白二种乳狀物、见议在用前用手推揉外包裝\

RM2.8 per piece (promotion price)


打造灵动的双眸 只需一贴,快速消减眼部浮肿、眼袋祛眼袋、祛黑眼圈、祛鱼尾纹三种功效三合一哦!市场价格10元/对,淘宝销售价格1.5元以上名称: 胶原蛋白水晶眼袋膜 主要成分: 膠原蛋白、左旋C、透明質酸、甘草酸、水解粘多醣功能特性: 三效合一祛眼袋、祛黑眼圈、祛鱼尾纹包装规格: 6g/双片装

RM2.8 per piece (promotion price)

♥ 我的心机美人全新包装

♥ MX14 - 頂極左旋C面膜 適用肌膚
♥ MX1 - Q10膠原蛋白面膜
♥ MX2 - 頂級玻尿酸面膜
♥ MX24 樱花嫩白光采面膜


MX24 樱花嫩白光采面膜 (replace MH6 because MH6 out of stock)

✿ 樱花嫩白光采面膜,不只有淡淡的樱花味,更精萃西印度樱桃,让西印度樱桃里天然的维他命C深入调理毛孔,滋养肌肤改善暗沉,让肌肤维持不紧绷的清爽状态,换给肌肤明皙光采,
✿Effective for whitening. Containing Sakura flower essence, this masks aims in restoring your skin to pearl like, crystal clear, soft and rosy look.

RM4 per piece..( added new ingredients and is a lovely packaging )


Chocolate Acne Mask


整片撕除~深層淨化將賭塞毛孔的污+油 用力”吸出來”!











Hokkaido Lover Series Mask

MH6 - 櫻花嫩白光采面膜 (temporary out of stock , replace by MX24 ~ up there)
~ 不只有淡淡的櫻花味,更精萃西印度櫻桃,讓天然維他命C深入調理毛孔,滋養肌膚改善暗沉,還給肌膚明皙光采,可修護、舒緩肌膚,溫和的平衡油脂分泌,同時給你健康好氣色!
MH6- Sakura Whitening Masks Containing Sakura flower essence, this masks aims in restoring your skin to pearl like, crystal clear, soft and rosy look.

MH5 - 控油調理雙效面膜 ~不只控油更加強調理,能舒緩肌膚改善油脂分泌,讓肌膚充滿氣色,讓肌膚持續白皙、透亮,加強肌膚新陳代謝,調理肌膚雙效合一。 MH5 - Anti Oil + Purifying Mask Helps in controlling oil blemishes. Helps in totally removing dirt in our pores and exfoliating dead cells effectively. Moisture essence found in the mask also aids in locking moisture in our skin, giving our skin ample moisture to prevent against dryness.

MH4 - 玻尿酸水漾面膜 ~可保持肌膚彈性,加上薰衣草萃取,可改善黯沈肌膚恢復明亮光澤,淡淡薰衣草味道讓疲累心靈帶來安撫寧靜的感受。 MH4 - Hyaluronic Acid Masks It replenishes lost moisture and Combat against uneven skin tone. This mask also promotes epithelial cell regeneration

My Scheming Beauty Series Mask !!

MX23 - 十五胜太全效胺基酸 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:以15胜肽為主要成分的面膜,添加了多種活膚成分、可增加肌膚的保濕度,促進肌膚新陳代謝,快速軟化角質,迅速恢復淨白透亮。 MX23 - Argireline + Amino - Reduces existing facial wrinkles and effective against the development of new wrinkles - Aids in gentle exfoliation and revitalise skin - Firming of skin - Improves skin metabolism Suitable for all skin types.

MX5 - 角質深層清潔面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:含蛋白酵素,可以加速肌膚新陳代謝,更新老廢角質,促進有效成份吸引,另添加龍膽草萃取液、桑椹萃取液、甘草萃取液、西印度櫻桃萃取液,全方位改善 肌膚問題,使肌膚保持晶瑩剔透,白晳自然的膚色。 MX5 - Deep Cleansing (Bacillus Ferment) - Anti-acne - Accelerates skin metabolism - Improves overall skin problems - Removes dead skin so that nutrients are easily absorbed - Results in better complexion Suitable for all skin types.

MX14 - 頂極左旋C面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:掃除暗沉,給妳白皙、透亮、水嫩晶瑩剔透的肌膚,經由生化美白還原作用,將以形成的黑色素加速逆向還原至最初型態,中和及抑制黑色素生成,並預防日 曬後老化、提高肌膚的自主防禦能力,讓肌膚水水嫩嫩、白晳亮麗。 MX14 - Levorotary C Mask (Vitamin C) - Aids in fading blemishes and preventing pigmentation formation - Revitalizes dull skin - Anti-aging agent helps in reducing fine line wrinkles - Hydrate, clarify and brighten skin Suitable for all skin types

MX17 - 高麗人蔘鑽石級面膜 適用肌膚:各類型肌膚適用。 效用:紅景天精華具有絕佳抗氧化,保護肌膚不受外在環境的壓力影響,還能促進膠原、彈性蛋白生成,從肌膚底層發揮保濕作用,維持肌膚最佳狀態。 MX17 - Rhodiola Rosea Extract Mask (Ginseng Extract) - Extra moisturizing and nourishing - Improves skin dryness and roughness - Smoothens out uneven skin tone - Improves skin elasticity - Prevents wrinkles - Reflects brighter and lustre complexion Suitable for all skin types especially those with dry skin
MX6 - 葡萄籽面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:葡萄籽萃取液和葡萄多酚能預防及改善臉部的細紋及減緩老化現象的產生具抗氧化效果,天然植物萃取液能加強肌膚的保濕度並補充肌膚白天所流失的水分。 MX6 - Grape Seed Extract - Nourishing and brightening - Effective in retaining and replenishing moisture - Anti-oxidants properties - Protects skin from harmful UV rays - Maintain skin elasticity and metabolism - Delays wrinkle formation Suitable for all skin types

MX10 - 牛奶美白保濕面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:牛奶中含有豐富的蛋白質,維生命A.B.E.可緊實肌膚,恢復彈性,牛奶中天然的糖類搭配保濕劑,對於保濕有極佳的效果,長期使用使肌膚更明亮透 明。 MX10 - Milk - Milk mask improves coarseness of the skin - Restores dull looking skin to a gentle, smooth and bright looking skin - Great for improving elasticity and locking moisture into our skin - Milk are rich in Protein, Vitamin A, B and E - Aids in toning of our pores Suitable for all skin types especially those with dull-looking skin

MX7 - 綠茶+薏仁面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:綠茶含豐富的葉綠素、兒茶素、維他命C、E及β-胡蘿蔔素,綠茶多酚具抗氧化效能,薏仁具排除黑色素及黯沉肌膚,促進肌膚新陳代謝正常化,改善肌膚 粗糙現象。 MX7 - Green Tea + Barley Extractb] - Rich in antioxidant - Aids in restoring our skin to it’s natural brightness - Aids in improving rough and uneven skin - Providing long lasting moisture, smooth and healthy looking skin. Suitable for all skin types especially those with peeling (scaling) or rough skin

MX21 - 金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜 適用肌膚:各類型肌膚適用。 效用:將多種植物性保濕成分及金盞花萃取液注入在高分子凝膠中,在敷臉的過程,能使有效成分完全滲透至肌膚深層,讓潤澤持續停留,使肌膚展現充滿彈性和水 嫩的光澤感。 MX21 - Marigold Extract - Contains extract of many flowers that deeply hydrates and smoothen skin - Gives skin a radiant and youthful glow Suitable for all skin types

MX11 - 蠶絲蛋白緊緻面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:蠶絲蛋白可輔助膠原蛋白的生成,讓肌膚活化,並促進膠原蛋白吸引,讓皮膚像蠶絲般的亮麗、光滑有彈性,含豐富的胺基酸可捕捉自由基的形成及避免紫外 線對肌膚造成的傷害。 MX11 - Hydrolyzed Silk Protein (Silk Protein) - Increases collagen in our skin - Improves healing process as well as improves elasticity - Protects our skin against UV Ray - Maintains and refreshes skin, giving it a gentle and healthy glow. Suitable for all skin types

MX16 - 草本抗痘面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:控制皮脂活性,調節油脂分泌,改善油膩不潔肌膚,緊實結蒂組織,收斂粗大毛孔,預防及改善面皰肌膚。 MX16 - OSMOSOFT - Anti-acne - Control sebum activity and regulates oil secretion - Tighten and minimize pores Suitable for all skin types especially those with oily skin

MX25 -心機美人-竹炭面膜: 為滿足保湿需求所研发而成。
超服贴的材质能将面膜中精华液成分紧紧锁於肌肤中, 再将它传递到脸部肌肤的底层! 水分锁住了,又不用担心面膜会干掉, 肌肤当然就水水饱饱充满满弹性。
除此之外,它还添加高含量胶原蛋白、高效保湿因子, 预防干燥、供给肌肤养分, 让肌肤呈现健康柔皙的肤色。它轻盈的质地可以很快的渗透肌肤深层, 对各种肤质均有保湿、及修护的效果。 并且迅速补充流失的水份,迅速补水, 快速恢复年轻,立即舒缓紧绷的肌肤

MX18 - 蝦紅素海洋之鑽 適用肌膚:各類型肌膚適用。 效 用:萃取於甲殼類、鮭魚、燐蝦、紅藻的蝦紅素,具有抑制及清除活性氧的能力,其抗氧化力是β胡蘿蔔素的10倍、Q10的150倍,維他命的550倍,能促 進細胞再生,延緩肌膚老化過早發生,並添加綠茶萃取能防止因紫外線造成所造成的皮膚老化,保護細胞減少紫外線對細胞DNA的傷害,有效對抗自由基,防止肌 膚老化。 MX18 - Astaxanthin + Collagen Mask - Rich in axtaxantin which is a strong antioxidant - Helps our skin form a protective layer on the surface - Aids in toning up skin, giving it maximum suppleness. Suitable for all skin types
(MX19 - 海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 適用肌膚:)
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:萃取自法國深海海洋深層水,純潔無污染,富含多種微量礦物質,可補充人體內所需養分,潤澤並滋潤肌膚,補給肌膚所需水分,恢復肌膚彈性,讓肌膚飽滿 有光澤,並可幫助肌膚增加扺抗力,舒緩降低皮膚過敏現象,修護細胞,使肌膚更健康。 MX19 - Deep Water (Deep Ocean Water) - Moisturizes the skin - Restores skin elasticity - Supplies the skin with nutrients extracted from the deep sea water - Reflects supple glowing skin Suitable for all skin types

MX20 - 燕窩膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜 適用肌膚:各類型肌膚適用。 效用:將燕窩與膠原蛋白添加於面膜中,給肌膚雙重滋潤,保持肌膚水嫩、彈性光澤並含高效保濕因子,能預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生,具改善及更生膚質,供給 肌膚養分,並能活化肌膚,加強代謝效能,使肌膚回復正常之張力並預防細小皺紋,增加肌膚之彈性。 MX20 - Edible Nest of Cliff Swallows - Rejuvenates and locks in moisture our skin - Aids renewal of skin and improving skin texture - Increase skin metabolism, improves elasticity of skin and slows down aging process Suitable for all skin types
MX12 - 熊果素亮白無暇面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:ARBUTIN 能有效抑制酪胺酸酶的活性,減緩麥拉寧色素的合成,在搭配多種含豐富維他命C的天然植物萃取,能充分改善肌膚色素沉澱不均及膚色暗沉現象。並添加高效保濕 因子玻尿酸,能預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生,加強保濕效能。 MX12 - Arbutin Extract - Prevents melanin formation to reveal brighter skin - Improves uneven skin tone and skin dullness - Enhances the skin metabolism and recovery rate - Results in brighter and clearer complexion Suitable for all skin types especially those with dull-looking skin

MX13 - 蘆薈維他命E修護面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:含蘆薈美膚因子,能預防乾燥、粗糙老化現象產生,具改善及更生膚質,供給肌膚養分,達到晶亮效果,讓肌膚呈現健康白晳的膚色。 MX13 - Aloe Vera Extract + Vitamin E - Efficient in retaining and replenishing moisture - Effective in repairing and restoring skin structure - Prevents skin dryness and roughness - Against premature ageing - Improves skin texture and elasticity - Reflects healthy and brighter skin Suitable for all skin types especially those with dry & damaged skin

芦荟有抗菌、消炎和缓泻的作用,可以排毒养颜,对青春痘有较好的疗效。芦荟也可帮助收敛皮肤,防止皱纹产生。芦荟面膜适合偏油性肤质, 有控油和收敛毛孔的效果。曬後與乾燥肌膚的急救面膜!!

1. 美白肌肤并帮助补充水分

2. 防止皱纹, 增加肌肤的弹性

3. 对肌肤进行补水、营养和修护

4. 快速提高皮肤细胞活力以修补伤疤

5. 防止青春痘的滋生


MX15 - 珍珠粉+蛋白面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:膠原蛋白能促進細胞再生,延緩肌膚老化過早發生,能防止因紫外線造成所造成的皮膚老化,保護細胞減少紫外線對細胞DNA的傷害,有效對抗自由基,防 止肌膚老化。 MX15 - Pearl Extract (Pearl Powder) - Increases suppleness and elasticity of the skin - Specially formulated for dry and dull looking skin - Pearl powder aids in exfoliation of dead skin cells, resulting in cleaner and brighter skin Suitable for all skin types

(MX8 - 薄荷+膠原蛋白面膜 適用肌膚:)
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:給予肌膚緊實又清涼舒緩 MX8 - Collagen + Menthol Extract Mask (Peppermint + Collagen) - Highly effective in retaining moisture and nourishing - Prevents skin dryness, roughness and premature ageing - Repairs and restores skin structure - Increases skin elasticity - Results in refresh and radiant skin Suitable for all skin types especially those with tired-looking skin

(MX9 - 埔里酒粕面膜 適用肌膚:)
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:酒粕是天然的抗氧化劑,吟釀麴萃取液具除皺美白可活化肌膚,抑制酪胺酸酶的活性,協助表面細胞維持正常增值與分化,為皮膚帶來緊實細緻,玻尿酸具保 濕作用,可對抗自由基抗老化,延緩肌膚老化。 MX9 - Sake-Kojic Extract Mask (Rice Wine/PuLiWine) - Moisturizing and brightening - Promotes skin metabolism - Improves skin elasticity - Improves overall skin problems - Results is well supple and radiant complexion Suitable for all skin types especially those with sensitive skin

MX4 - 淨化調理面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:針對偏油肌膚所設計,具有抑制油脂分泌之用途,使肌膚看起來更清晰、光滑、溫和不刺激,徹底清除堆積於毛孔內污垢及老化角質,促進表皮代謝,使肌膚 晶瑩剔透。 MX4 - Purifying (Iris Extract) - Designed specially for the oily skinned - Helps in controlling oil blemishes - Helps in totally removing dirt in our pores and exfoliating dead cells - Moisture essence found in the mask also aids in locking moisture in our Skin, giving our skin ample moisture to prevent against dryness Suitable for all skin types especially those with oily or combination skin.

MX1 - Q10膠原蛋白面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:膠原蛋白可以加倍促進肌膚彈力提升,Q10讓你的肌膚緊緻有彈力,搭配海藻精華液加倍嫩膚保濕能力肌膚光滑亮麗,讓你維持年輕與活力,保有健康美 麗。 MX1 - Q10 - Collagen improves elasticity to our skin - Helps in giving smoothness and clarity - Q10 richness in antioxidant aids body in effectively renewing cells, Improving elasticity and inhabits aging - Results in firmer and supple complexion Suitable for all skin types especially for those with flabby skin.

MX2 - 頂級玻尿酸面膜 適用肌膚:
各 類型肌膚適用。 效用:頂級玻尿酸面膜,擁有極佳的保濕滋潤力,讓肌膚更為光滑柔嫩及保濕。內含多種植物精華,能適度補充肌膚所需營養,改善粗糙、缺水、龜裂等現象! MX2 - Sodium Hyaluronate - Replenishes moisture and nourishes delicate skin - Contains lots of fruits and vegetables essence - Great in keeping skin supple and locking in the moisture, giving skin a Healthy and youthful glow Suitable for all skin types

Hey guys =)

If you are interested on all there mask can juz contact me ya ..

my email address and msn is -

the prices for the mask is RM3.5 for all scheming beauty series mask and hokkaido lover except MX8 , MX24, and MX19... these is RM4..

And the chocolate mask is RM5.5 per piece..this is a very effective mask and many customer like it after using it although it is a bit smelly =D

If ya wanna buy more than 10 pieces jz inform me ya..

Erm...I will provide COD services in Penang, Butterworth, Kulim, Bm, Kampar (utar/westlake) area..

If you buy more than 10 pieces and above, it will be free for COD charges..

But it will be free too if i will be going for the same place as you wanna meet at =)

Order now for 4th badge's stock ~